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Cnr Anslow & Collier Sts, Woodend, Victoria 03 5427 3772

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Our First Author!

It was our pleasure to have Dee White at New Leaves this morning to chat with us about her latest book 'Letters to Leonardo'. It was a real privilege to be able to find out more about Dee's process when writing the book, and learn about the many years of work it takes to reach the final product. We also discussed the difficult themes of the book, and how the main character Matt deals with finding out the truth about his mentally ill mother, whom he had thought dead.

Dee also read excerpts from the book, and no one could wait to start reading their own copies - which Dee kindly signed.

There are still a few signed copies of the book at New Leaves. So if you missed the talk, why not drop in and see what its all about. Or better still, if you want Dee to visit your school, or organisation, she can be reached through us at New Leaves.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Claire,

    It was an honour to be your first author visitor. I'd be happy to come back any time.

